
Showing posts from November, 2008


All right.. for those who don't know, I'm a movie buff and I love watching movies as a technician rather than an audience. So when it came down to the point where i had to decide what to blog about, one of the first things that came to my mind was to discuss about a movie. Which one? There wasn't much doubt on that front.. Memento is an instant winner when it comes to thought-provoking cinema. Why I love the movie so much, must be obvious to those who watched the movie (for those who didn't, please do watch the movie before reading this post), but there is something more to it -- I strongly relate to what i think the director wants to convey and i not only relate to, but strongly believe it too and i think that it was the best way the director could have conveyed the message. First things first-- 'Memento means something which reminds you of the past', and that is what the movie highlights-- how important the abstract concept of memory i

Am back!!

hey folks!! So I'm back.. after the long exile.. What I'll be blogging will basically be something I feel should be shared, something to ponder about or in some cases , just something on my mind. I will try not to make the text too flowery nor will i make an effort to have the whole post preplanned and organized, which may lead to errors or slight shabbiness, i would prefer naturality (it should have been naturalism, but naturality came to me naturally :| .... ) to beauty. Feel free to respond, cause i love to know how others think. hmmm... so let's start off.