
Showing posts from October, 2009

So hard to Blog!?!? !!Blogophobia!!

Hey blog!! [Guilt..Guilt..Guilt..] Blog : So there is a guy who wants to, likes to, plans to blog... 1st post.. Nov 28th 2008 2nd post.. Nov 28th 2008 (Ahem...) 3rd post.. Oct 25th 2009 Now there a serious defect in the chronology presented above.. Things cant go on like this.. can they? Its an aweful thing to keep ur blog drought-prone like this. Me: But wait a sec.. will I take all this bashing or do i have something in my defense? Hmm.. ya I do.. but is it something worth mentioning even? Lemme think.... .. .. . . Hey ppl!! [Guilt..Guilt..Guilt] Phew!! I need your help 'round here. Is it just me or is it common to have a fear of posting crap on one's blog? U see.. my blog is angry with me. But it doesn't understand that all this silence was for its own good. I wanted to keep the content of the blog substantial and worth reading and didn't want to stuff it up with useless posts. Actually i was afraid.. afraid of posting something not up to the standards i